20 June, 2014

Inspiration: Signs and store fronts in Paris

My job that was originally revolve around books has for the past few years had more and more to do with marketing things, doing posters, and planning events.I am not complaining tough. I have actually realized that those are all things I quite enjoy doing, especially the marketing and poster design part, even when it's done with the shoe string budget of a library.

This growing interest to has made me want to learn more, and of course to notice more things related to marketing and graphic design. And while in Paris, I found myself looking for and taking pictures of different signs and storefronts. I especially loved the signs that were made in style of Belle Epoque or the Jazz-age but there was also some wonderful modern ones. Here are some I particularly liked.

Doesn't this just scream the Jazz-age? I had to stop in the middle of a crossing to take this photo.

The playful font in this sign is so cute.

Belle Epoque style sign.

I am very fond of this simple sign and window.

Some more Jazz age I presume. Just gorgeous, isn't it?

This bookstore window amused me a lot. I've also seen similar victim shapes taped to bookstore floor in some pictures and do wonder if I could pull of doing something similar in a library.

PS. Someone that has inspired me to look for all kinds of signs a lot has been Karen Kavett, a Youtuber and graphic designer who has made several typography inspiration videos. If you like things like that, you should check her videos out!

Typography Inspiration // Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice CA
Typography Inspiration // Valencia Street, San Francisco
Typography Inspiration: San Francisco - Hayes Valley
Typography Inspiration at Disneyworld

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Pariisinlomalla kiinnitin kovasti huomiota erilaisiin kyltteihin ja kauppojen ikkunoihin. Nykyiseen työhöni liittyy paljon julisteiden ym. visuaalisten asioiden suunnittelua ja se on saanut kiinnittämään paljon huomiota siihen, miten muut käyttävät fontteja ja visuaalisia elementtejä. Näissä kuvissa muutamia innostavia poimintoja Pariisin katukuvasta.

Youtuber ja graafikko Karen Kavett on saanut minut kiinnittämään erityisen paljon katukuvassa näkyviin fontteihin ja kyltteihin. Hän on myös ihania tehnyt fontti-inspiraatiovideoita, jotka olen linkittänyt ylle.

Hauskaa juhannusta kaikille lukijoille!

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