Pattern: Cocoon Me Cowl & Shawlette
Yarn: Abuelita Yarns Merino Silk colorway 6845
Why I made this: Well, as said above, this is part of the knitting gift cards Christmas gifts I gave my brothers and sisters families in 2011. This is the last one I had to do for my brothers family and they all got some kind of scarfs or cowls. Fancy that.
This is the right side of the cowl. |
What I liked in this project: I absolutely loved the pattern! it was simple but still produced a beautiful structure, a structure unlike anything I had seen before. I'm rahter determined to do something for myself with the same pattern set.
What I didn't like in this project: Guessing how wide I needed to make it. I was terribly horrified that circumference would be horribly of of what I what I wanted it to be.
And this is the back side, which is also pretty damn nice to look at. |
What I learned: Once again more about what kind of sturctures you can make without huge trickery.
Was I happy with the end result: Yes. The cowl is beautiful from both sides and I think it's just the right length. Edit 15.2.: I gave the cowl to my sister in law last weekend and you should have seen the smile on her face. She absolutely loved it!
Project in Ravelry
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Tein kälylleni toiveesta lahjaksi rinkulahuivin, johon valikoitui malliksi tämä ihastuttavan kolmiulotteinen palluraohje ja langaksi ihanan pehmeä silkki-merinovilla. Huivissa sekä oikea että nurja puoli on todella ihana ja valmiista huivista pidimme sekä minä että käly erittäin paljon.
Mun blogissa on sulle haaste :)
Kiitos haasteesta, pitääpä tarttua siihen lähiaikoina. :)