25 February, 2013

DIY map box (The Pinterest Challenge)

I had thought of doing something else as my Pinterest Challenge project but got sick during the weekend so I had to leave that project for now and pick a project that would be less thinking and time requiring. I'll return to it for sure, especially as I've already done most of the planning work.

So what I ended up doing was something inspired by this pin. I have for a while had all my maps in a old shoe box which, handy as it is, is not the most beautiful storage unit. So what would make more sense than to decorate it with old and unused maps?

I didn't have a map big enough to use as one piece as the decoration and none of them really were so beautiful I felt they would do as big pieces so I decided to do it this way, with strips of maps. I'm very happy how it turned out. I also decided I want try and make a small tutorial of how to decorate a box this way. It's not the worlds most complicated project, but you have to start somewhere with tutorials too, right?

Map box tutorial

Can you tell  this is the first tutorial I'm making:
I forgot half of the things you need to have in this project from this photo. :D
  • a shoe box
  • old maps
  • a glue stick
  • paper glue
  • some water
  • a paintbrush (something you don't mind mixing to glue)
  • a small bowl
  • scissors or a paper cutter 

  1. Cut the non-map parts of your maps away. Cut the maps into as long strips as you can. (I made my strips varying width to make it more fun, but they can also all be the same width if you like it more.) I cut 6 or 7 cheep tourist maps for this project, just to get some variety on the stripes, but I think you can get enough material for this project from 3 maps.
  2. Glue the strips of maps on the box with the glue stick. It's good to cut the strips bit longer than the side you are gluing it on so you can turn the strips over the side or corner to make the box look more finished.  Also figure out before starting, which way you would like the strips to go so you can figure out the best order to glue them on. That way you can hide the ends of the strips going over the corner with stripes going the other way.
  3. When you have glued the stripes on the box, take a bowl and mis a small amount of water and paper glue together in a bowl. I can't give you any exact mixing ratio but I think about half and half works fine. Take the brush and spread an even coat on top of the stripes. This layer will both help the strips to stick on the box better and protect the surface.
  4. Let the box dry. Remember to make sure that the cover does not glue stuck on the box. I put pens between the lid and the box to keep them separate. When the surface has dried, your box is ready!

So yeah, here is my little map box and the first tutorial I've made. I hope you enjoyed it! :)

Edit 27.2.13: Check out all the cool projects other people have done and linked to Young House Love!

* * *
Tarkoitukseni oli osallistua Pinterest haasteeseen eräällä haastavammalla projektilla, mutta koska sairastuin viikonlopun aikana, piti siitä projektista luopua toistaiseksi ja tarttua johonkin helpompaan ja nopeampaan. Päädyin siis koristelemaan kenkälaatikon, jossa säilytän sekalaisia karttojani vanhoilla/turhilla kartoilla. Samalla päätin harjoitella vähän tutoriaalien tekoa ja tehdä tästä projektista pienen tutoriaalin. Yllä siis on ohjeet oman karttalaatikon tekoon!


  1. it looks awesome! well done!

    it's funny, but every time i've done this challenge, i've thought i was totally set to do one kind of project, only to actually finish something else entirely!

    1. Thanks!

      Haha, I can imagine this challenge having such an effect on us crafty people. So many great pins to draw inspiration from!
